Which Type Of Hair Transplantation Technique Is Best For You?

Hair loss affects many people’s self-esteem. It can also impact their confidence. Hair transplants UK have become highly effective thanks to advancements in medical science. Understanding different hair transplant techniques can help you decide which procedure is best for your needs. This article explores different types of methods for hair restoration, their benefits, and factors such as hair replacement costs that may affect your decision.

Introduction To Hair Transplant Techniques

Hair transplant procedures involve the transference of hair follicles (from a donor site) to areas that are experiencing hair thinning. The aim is to have hair that looks as natural as possible and blends with the existing hair. Follicular unit transplantation (FUT), as well as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), are the primary methods used for hair restoration. Each technique is unique and offers its own benefits.

Follicular Transplantation (FUT)

Follicular units transplantation or strip harvesting is the procedure of removing skin with follicles of hair from a donor site, typically the back and sides of the head where the hair is more resistant against balding.

  • Procedure: During FUT, an area of the scalp is removed from the donor under local sedation. The strip is then cut into individual hair follicle units, each containing a single to four hairs.
  • Advantages :
  • Higher Yield: This is a code that indicates a higher yield of grafts from FUT than from FUE.
  • Effectiveness: Due to its efficiency, FUT can be more cost-efficient for patients who need many grafts.
  • Considerations :
    • The Linear Scar: FUT may leave a scar along the donor site. If hair is short, it can be seen. A scar can usually be covered by the surrounding hair.
    • Recover Time: It may take longer to recover from FUT due to the healing of the donor area.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Using a punch instrument that is usually between 0.6 and 1.0 mm in size, Follicular Units are retrieved straight from the donor area.

  • Procedure: When FUE is performed, the surgeon will remove follicular grafts one by one. This leaves tiny dots rather than the linear scars of FUT.
  • Advantage :
  • Minimal Scaring: FUE is suitable for those who want to cut their hair short.
  • Quick Healing: The donor area heals relatively faster than FUT, allowing a faster recovery.
  • Limitations: FUE requires more time, and it may produce fewer grafts during a single session as compared to FUT.
  • Costs: Due to their time-intensive nature, FUE is more expensive than the FUT procedure.

Factors Influencing Your Choice

When choosing a procedure for hair transplantation, take into account the following factors:

  • Hair Loss Extent: The degree of hair thinning will determine how many grafts are needed. It may also influence whether FUE or FUT is chosen.
  • Wanted Hairstyle: The style you prefer and the method in which you will wear your hair following a transplant can have an impact on the effectiveness of each technique.
  • Hair Donor Quality: The quality and quantity of hair on the donor site is a key factor in determining the success of FUT.
  • Characteristics of Scalp: The texture and laxity of your scalp can affect the ease with which you can FUT.

Hair Transplant Costs

Hair transplants London cost varies depending on a variety of factors, including clinic location, surgeon expertise, chosen technique, and number of grafts. As a rule, FUE treatments are more expensive than conventional FUT because of the labour-intensive process of extracting each follicular cell.

  • The Average Cost: Hair transplant costs can range anywhere. FUE generally costs more per hair graft than FUT.
  • Hair Transplant Consultation: You must schedule an appointment with a qualified doctor to discuss your needs, evaluate your suitability for each method, and obtain a customised cost estimate.


Understanding the differences between the two hair transplant techniques is key to choosing the most appropriate one. Factors such as the severity and type of hair loss, the desired result, and your budget, including hair implant costs, are all important. Both methods are equally effective in hair restoration. They each have their advantages and concerns. If you speak with an experienced hair transplant doctor and discuss all your options, then you can make a well-informed decision. It is important to remember that the success or failure of your hair transplant journey depends on choosing a technique based on your individual needs and expectations.

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